Welcome to the 5th version of the VCTRY web site... After long hours (well no, not really) the site is up and running... Please feel free to look around and enjoy your stay!
Special Note 2 VCTRYites:
please e-mail me and tell me what you think :-) also if you have any constructive critizism/advice/info/text or what I should say on the site, please feel free to e-mail me and tell me that, too
If the images on the left and above have been replaced with the FortuneCity logo then we have a little problem... Please click here for details...
Welcome to the Ventura County Temple Reform Youth web site.
I apologize for not updating last Thursday/Friday... The computers here (@ my dad's office, I'm working on the site here because it's connected through DSL ;-) had a virus and had to be repaired. Now they're up and running! and so is this site! Keep surfin'
~ Herschel Ty
ps: I'm really sorry about the "ireg.com" pop-up ads... I haven't figured out how to remove them. :-\
pps: I'm only one guy, so if you some across any broken or incorrect links, spelling errors, missing pages, or just anything wrong, please email me... I need to know.
Page Created: May 2001
Page Updated: September , 2001